There will be no in-person service on Sunday, February 9th. Join us online at at 10:30 AM.

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Who We Are

Our Mission

To reach people of all cultures and ages so they can experience the life-changing hope and love of Jesus Christ.

What We Believe

Faith Tabernacle is a church striving to become a 21st Century Apostolic Church. We are founded upon the belief that the Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God.

The Great Commision

We believe in the great commission and are endeavoring to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with love, mercy, and compassion.

There is One God

We believe there is only one God (Deuteronomy 6:4). He is the Creator of heaven and earth, and all living beings. He has revealed Himself to humanity as the Father (Creator), as the Son (Savior), and as the Holy Ghost (indwelling Spirit). We believe in water baptism by immersion in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sin. Through baptism, we identify with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Romans 6:3-6; Colossians 2:11-14; Acts 2:38

The Holy Spirit

We believe in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the initial sign of speaking in other tongues. Acts 2:4

The Gifts of the Spirit

We believe in the manifestation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. He ministers to His people through tongues, interpretation of tongues, prophecy, words of knowledge and wisdom, discerning of spirits, faith, working of miracles, healing, helps and government. Mark 16:15-18; Acts 5:16; 2 Corinthians 12:1-11

Our History

The history of Faith Tabernacle is a powerful testimony of what can happen when men and women choose to stay where God has called them, through the good and bad. In August of 1977, Marvin and Loreitta Stuart arrived from Oklahoma with their two daughters Crystal and Brigette.  They had been voted in to assume pastorate of the United Pentecostal Church of Manchester, Connecticut.  A few weeks before, another couple returned to Connecticut after being in the Air Force, Kurt and Becky Stefanovicz with their daughter Hava (Seth and Joel followed later).  Kent and Crystal Elliott arrived in 1991 after graduating from college.  Over the past four decades, these couples have served the Kingdom of God with unwavering commitment and dedication to the call of God. Through their leadership and sacrifice, God has blessed Faith Tabernacle which has seen growth through three buildings including the one we are at today at 110 Utopia Rd. in Manchester. 

Who We Are

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Hi, my name is Kia Serrano, and I am the Hyphen Leader and Missions Pastor of FAITH. I started coming to FAITH when I was 16 years old. Throughout the years, I have been involved in various ministries including Children’s, Media, and Youth ministry. Even though I served in different ministries, my heart continuously led me to Missions. In the subsequent years, I would go on a mission trip after a mission trip with Apostolic Youth Corp, and Youth on Missions, and then I started organizing mission trips right here at FAITH. The experiences I had, and the people I encountered on those trips certainly had a hand in shaping me into the person I am today. I became a full-time Registered Nurse in 2012, and then in 2018 I connected with Compassions Services International (CSi) and was able to go on a medical disaster relief trip. If there were any questions about what my purpose was or where I was meant to serve, God answered every one of them on that trip. Being able to combine and serve in both my passions, nursing, and missions, has been an absolute dream come true. I thank God continuously for perfectly positioning me to meet the needs of our community locally and globally.